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Monday 9 February 2015

The First Page 

Hello guys. Thanks for visiting my blog. 
The main reason why I create this blog is because
I am inspired by countless blog that has been helpful 
in being informative and inspiring. 
I still remember those helpful times... (Ahhh.. The memories) 
When I like a song but didn't know the lyrics, 
there are always a few blogs that provide me the lyrics. 
When I want to know more about some news, 
there are some blog covering that. 
When i am feeling down dealing with heart shattering problem 
(especially regarding love, hey. a man needs love too. hahaha), 
there are some blog containing advises and helpful insight. 
By now, i think you understand what i mean. Hehehe. 
I better stop starting my sentence with "when i am", 
To be short, i want to do my part too. 
I want share my experience, knowledge and stories of my life
and hope someone reading it will be inspired 
or even better, learn something from it.

So, my first entry would be an introduction about me.
No surprises there, isn't it?
There is a Malay sayings,"tak kenal maka tak cinta",
which I would translate as, "can't love thing you don't know of".
(correct me if my version of translation is wrong).
So you better learn about me before loving my entries.
(just kidding)  hahaha.
(sorry but i just can't help but to use a lot of, "hahaha" and
"hehehe" in every informal letters of messages i wrote.
Hope you get used to it soon if it is annoying,
hahaha. ....................there it go again.. truly sorry, hahaha)

Okay, lets get started.

          Once upon a time, a baby boy was born to a young Bidayuh couple on the 19th of February, 1990. (Bidayuh is one of race in Borneo island. Usually we are called Dayak Bidayuh which literally translated as "people of the land"). At the age of 6, he enrolled in a primary school named Sekolah Kebangsaan Saint Bernard Sadir (once known as Sekolah Rendah Bantuan Saint Bernard Sadir). He have an older sister and a younger brother. From when he was 6 to 9 years old, he was very naughty and hyperactive, but something happened when he was 10 years old. Since then, this kid became more reserved and shy. He have to retake primary 5, because he entered primary 1 a year earlier. Then a new thing happened to him. He never felt it before. He felt warm inside his heart and keep thinking of that one girl he saw. At that time, he was 12 years old. Being a shy kid, that beautiful girl never knew of his feeling. 

Bidayuh couple in a Bidayuh wedding ceremony.

When i was 4 years old
        When he was 13, he entered a secondary school named Kolej Datu Patinggi Abang Haji Abdillah. Interestingly, that very girl was also attending the same school. But as the fate of every shy boy, he only can see her from afar and never got the courage to tell her. As time passed by, the boy finally agreed that the girl was out of his league and categorized the feeling in the level of admiration and not love. (level love is when you are willing to die for them when situation demands it. Eg. catch a grenade thrown at them by bad guys. Hahaha.). 

Hahaha. Why u train....!

Lets stop with the love story for a moment. The experiences that I gained when I was in Kolej Abdillah were priceless. The friendships, the love stories, the experiences, the teachers... Ahhh.. Those sweet memories. I even learnt a bit about Tae Kwon Do (blue belt, but if possible, I avoid any kind of fighting, unless it is worth fighting for. I am a peaceful man. Hahaha), rugby (our batch were not physically big but we were fast which is apparently not enough for rugby. So we didn't performed better than our successor. For your information, our junior were so good that until today, Kolej Abdillah rugby team is one of the best in the state), chess (I am once a runner up in a chess competition of the students-staying-in-the-school's-hostel categories) and most importantly about being an innovator. (I joined a special new club called Science and Inventions Club. We even attended a "Young Scientist" workshop at a hotel. To be honest, that was the first time I ever been to a hotel. I was so excited!) Hahaha. Now let us continue the story.

Okay, 20ml of curiosity, 30ml of effort, 40ml of knowledge. Hmm.. whats next. Hehe

Core members of the Science and Inventions Club.

 Actually, one of the reason the boy never able to muster every ounce of his confidence (and cannon ball into the water. Sound familiar? If not, u better listen to "for you I will" by "Teddy Geiger. Hehe.) was because he was not yet matured and should focus more in his studies.

So, from Form 1 to Form 3, he avoid being in a relationship. But when he was Form 4, a special girl unlocks his diamond heart. It all happened during the "young Scientist" workshop. They were in a long distance secret relationship. Surprisingly, when he was Form 4 and 5, some girls think he was attractive and some give him their heart.. Unfortunately for them, he can't give them his heart.. It was kept far away, by his girlfriend. (I am so dead should my family members read this. Hahaha,) So no matter how hard they tried and how much they gave, he just can't responded the way they wanted him to be.. (I am truly sorry for that.. I just can't betray her..). Unfortunately.. after 2 years of being loyal.. they broke up as the girl cheated on him. (I guess distance could be detrimental to a relationship if either one of the lover is not loyal enough) Strangely enough, the girl don't want to let this boy go and asked for a second chance. The boy almost gave her the chance she seeks if not for the girl's new boyfriend begging him to let her go. Reinforced by the advises his friends gave to let her go, he finally let her go.. (this part was the first time this naive boy ever felt how painful break up could be and something dark contained all this while chained by the chain of innocence breaks loose..)

Unleash the beast within

Hehehe. This story is turning dark. Gulp. Sorry, wolf mode activated just now. WOLF MODE, DEACTIVATED. I am back. Anyway, don't worry.. The boy found his way back to chain "his wolf". Now the wolf is only out to protect the boy from getting hurt again. Although most of the times the wolf didn't came out to prevent the boy from getting hurt. Maybe the wolf want the boy to endure the pain and grow more in maturity. 

Old photograph of when i was Form 5. Where am I? Hahaha.

Enough with the love story. This is supposedly to be my introduction but ended up to be my sad love story. Hahaha. Ok, lets continue. So I left Kolej Abdillah when I was 17 and further my study in Kolej Matrikulasi Labuan. There, I experienced a live changing event. Never before I felt so close to God as I joined the Hope Church in Labuan. The brothers and sisters are very kind and help me to grow more in maturity. However, if there is a time machine, I would definitely returned to that time. There are things that I think I must prevent from happening to someone I really care about. (and also 2013.. I wanna save someone..).
Hope Church 2008 KML group
My classmates in KML

A year in Labuan and it's time for me to left and enters a new phase in life. University life. Finally... (to be honest, i always dreamt of furthering my studies in Japan. There I would meet a beautiful girl name Angelica Masako and she will be my soul mate. But i have to win against his father in kendo as his father owns a dojo in order to gain his approval. Hahaha. Now as I recalled that, it is kind of funneh). Without any friends in my new university, University Malaysia Perlis, at first it was hard for me to adapt. Plus I am super duper mega shy. Fortunately, all my new classmates were very friendly and some were even from Kolej Matrikulasi Sabah. (which although we were in the same Kolej Matrikulasi, we never really known one another). Our course was Biosystems Engineering which was actually a new course. To make it short, Biosystems Engineering is the combination of both Biological and Agricultural Engineering.

Biosystems Engineering

University Malaysia Perlis taught me how to adapt to a new environment, to cherish new friendship, to always be curiously ready to try new things while never abandon the core value that I hold dear, to improvise using limited resources and always ready to beat the system. Six month of internship in a challenging environment along with my friends also taught me about teamwork and open my eyes to what could happened if I don't strife for excellence.

Finally, now I am getting ready to take my next step to further my study in University Malaysia Sabah. (Masters in Biotechnology, research mode). I vow to give my all in this phase of my life.

I guess I wrote too much.. Hahaha. Sorry, this is my first blog. Give me some tips to improve it, okay. I appreciate your time reading it and i hope you have a great day.